Syntax: /PACKC[ODE]:number
This option groups neighboring code segments. Neighboring code segments are assigned the same segment address, and offsets to each routine are adjusted upward as required. This option is on by default and is used only when you wish to override an environment variable that has turned code combining off. See Environment Variable and Disable Code-Segment Combining (/NOP)
The <number> field specifies the maximum size of a code segment grouped by /PACKC. If you do not use the /PACKC option or if you omit <number>, maximum size defaults to 65530. LINK386 stops adding segments to a group as soon as it cannot add another segment without exceeding <number>. At this point, LINK386 forms a new segment. See Entering Numeric Arguments.
Code combining generally produces slightly faster and more compact code. Use the Optimize Far Calls (/F) option to provide the maximum opportunity for combining.