Environment Variable

You can use the LINK386 environment variable to cause certain options to be used each time you link. LINK386 checks the environment variable for options if the variable exists.

LINK386 expects to find options listed in the variable exactly as you would type them on the command line. It does not accept other kinds of arguments; file names in the environment variable cause the following error message:

unrecognized option

Each time you link, you can specify other options in addition to the ones specified in the LINK386 environment variable. If you type an option both on the Syntax and in the environment variable, the effect is the same as if the option were given once.

Note: A command line option overrides the effect of any environment-variable option that it conflicts with. For example, the command line option /SE:512 cancels the effect of the environment-variable option /SE:256.

The only way to prevent an option in the environment variable from being used is to reset the environment variable itself.

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