Optimize Far Calls (/F)


This option causes LINK386 to optimize far-call instructions made from one segment to a target address in the same segment. LINK386 replaces calling sequences such as CALL FAR function with the following:

CALL     NEAR function

The new calling sequence is significantly faster when running in protected mode. Also, a load-time relocation is eliminated, which decreases program file size and speeds program loading.

In general, the greatest benefit occurs if you use the "Combine Contiguous Code(/PACKC)" in addition to the /F option.

The /F option has no effect on programs that make only near calls.

Note: There is a small risk involved with using the /F option. LINK386 may mistakenly interpret a byte of immediate data in a code segment as a far call if it has to have the far-call opcode (0x9A).

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