Source: IBM Technical Document # - 17675356
To automatically FTP files to or from a client do the following:
Create a text file with the FTP commands (see below for an example) Set
the environment variable NETRC with the fully qualified name of the
file with the commands Enter ftp hostname at the command
prompt, for example ftp rs6000
Example for a FTP command file (The machine is rs6000, the userid
is bfw720 and the password is noa):
machine rs6000 login bfw720 password noa macdef init
lcd c:/targetDir
cd d:/sourceDir
get file1.exe
get file2.txt
You can define more than one macro in the file; each macro must begin with
machine ... macdef init
Note that you must use the slash / instead of the backslash \ in path names. You can use all known ftp commands in the file (use the command help inside of ftp to get a list of all known commands). To automatically exit ftp after executing the commands the last command in the macro must be bye.
To define different commands for one host use hostname aliase: Add the aliase to the file /etc/hosts like rs6000 rs6000a rs6000b rs6000c
and define different macros for each hostname.