Undocumented entries for PROGMAN.INI

The following information is from a message in one of the usenet forums:

Add Restrictions for WinOS/2

This might be of some assistance until you find a solution to your security problem. When you get your WinOS2 sessions back in working order, you might be interested in disabling some of its functions by putting some lines in <bootdrive>:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\PROGMAN.INI. At the bottom of the file (or at the end of any section actually), start a new section called [Restrictions], then try any (or all) of the following lines.

  ; EditLevel=4 limits access to changing Groups and Items.

  ; NoSaveSettings=1 disables this option.

  ; NoRun=1 disables Run on the File menu

  ;  NoFileMenu=1 removes the File menu

  ;  NoClose=1 disable Close from the menus

If you do not use the FileManager, then you can remove its Item icon. It can still be accessed by double clicking its OS/2 icon in the Drives object.

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