Before you start adding controls to the dialog box, you might want to first select the grid option to make laying out your dialog easier.
You can use a mouse to place controls in a dialog box and to move the controls in line with each other. However, you can more accurately position the controls by using the keyboard arrow keys or mouse after grid values have been set.
The Settings-change dialog lets you set the number of character spaces (in dialog units) by which you can move dialog boxes and controls when using the Dialog Editor.
To set the grid size, follow these steps:
The horizontal (x) and vertical (y) values are in dialog units. A horizontal dialog unit is 0.25 of the standard character size. A vertical dialog unit is 0.125 of the standard character size. For example, if you move a control to the left or the right (using the mouse or keyboard arrow keys) with x set at 20, it moves in steps of twenty dialog units.
When you subsequently position dialog boxes or controls, the objects move by the specified number of dialog units on an invisible grid. Large values make it easier to align controls, while small values allow you to position controls in the dialog box more precisely.
Now that the grid is in place, you are ready to start adding controls.