Workplace Shell Components

OS/2 Version 2.0 provides an improved user shell, that is, the component of the operating system which is responsible for the appearance and behavior of the user interface. This shell is based upon the 1991 IBM Systems Application Architecture (SAA) Common User Access (CUA) Workplace Environment, and is known as the Workplace Shell.

One of the historical drawbacks of the OS/2 environment has been the power and therefore the complexity of the operating system. Much of this complexity has, in the past, been allowed to transfer itself to the user interface, thus often requiring a large amount of user effort to complete a task.

The objective of the Workplace Shell is to simplify and facilitate the performance of work tasks by an end user through the use of graphics and the direct manipulation of icons on the screen. The Workplace Shell aims to insulate the end user from the complexity of the OS/2 operating system, requiring less effort to complete a particular task, thereby reducing the level of knowledge and experience required for the user to successfully manipulate the system.

Figure "Workplace Shell Desktop Appearance"

In addition, the Workplace Shell provides a more consistent user interface by implementing the additional control window classes and standard CUA functions provided under OS/2 V2.0, thereby easing the task of working with multiple applications concurrently, and of learning new applications.

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