Print Support for Windows Applications

The installation procedure will update the new WIN.INI file to include the printer device driver details required by Windows for printers selected under OS/2. Installation selects a Windows printer device driver comparable with the OS/2 printer device driver for that printer. The Windows printer device driver will initially operate in its default mode. If the printer device driver must be configured in a mode other than the default mode, the printer should be configured from within the Windows Control Panel.

If there is no equivalent OS/2 printer device driver, the Windows device driver should be installed and configured via the Windows Control panel. The user should also use a printer port which is associated with the IBMNULL.DRV PM printer device driver on the OS/2 side. This will ensure the print data is passed straight through the port without OS/2's print subsystem modifying anything within the data stream. Even the usual "printer reset" should not occur.

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