Windows Device Drivers

Upon installation, the WIN.INI file is updated with the appropriate information for the following options. Installation will install the following Windows device drivers in the appropriate directories:

  • Keyboard

  • Mouse

  • Video

  • Printer

  • Codepage/country.

    If a device driver is supported in Windows but not supported by OS/2, the Windows version will not be supported.

    Note: Any "illegal" combination of OS/2 and Windows display device drivers may cause the Windows environment to crash or not to come up at all.

    On the other hand, the user can configure a useful dual screen configuration, which will actually run the Workplace Shell on one screen and Windows on the other simultaneously. OS/2 V2.0 may be run with the standard system display, such as VGA, XGA and so on, and in addition, another display adapter may be installed to run Windows applications, such as the IBM PS/2 Image Adapter/A, which is a Micro Channel card and supported on PS/2s. This requires the appropriate Windows display device driver to run exclusively on that adapter and the screen connected to it. Of course, the user must change several things (examples shown relate to the Image Adapter/A):



    These device drivers and programs can be found on the Image Adapter support diskette.

    Note: Do not confuse the scenario above with OS/2's standard dual screen support, which is installed and configured automatically if a VGA and 8514 (or XGA) are found during initial installation. In that case, only one screen will be active at any given moment, while the display of the other will be frozen.

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