Starting Windows Applications

The following methods may be used to start Windows applications:

  • Select the application's program file from within the Drives folder. This method is not recommended, as it will not pick up any optimized DOS and/or Windows settings.

  • Enter the application name at an OS/2 command line prompt. This method is not recommended, for the same reason as stated above.

  • Install the application in a folder, in the Workplace Shell desktop as described in Defining Windows Applications, and start it by double-clicking the mouse on its icon. This is the preferred method for starting a Windows application.

    If the application is started from either the Drives Folder or an OS/2 command prompt, a SAVDM will be created. If the application is started from an icon, either a SAVDM, a MAVDM or a "seamless" WIN-OS/2 VDM will be created, depending on how the application was defined at installation.

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