Defining Windows Applications

As mentioned in the previous section, Windows applications may be automatically migrated to the Workplace Shell desktop at OS/2 installation time. However, for applications which are not defined in the Certified Application Database, or which are installed after OS/2 installation, a Workplace Shell object may be created from a template in the Templates folder. For such applications, the WIN-OS/2 application execution environment is defined to the Workplace Shell using the Program page of the program object's Settings notebook.

Figure "Defining a Windows Application to OS/2 Version 2.0"

The Session page allows the user to change Windows settings via the Windows Settings dialog. This page defines whether the Windows kernel will execute in real, standard, or Auto-Select mode. Auto-Select mode is highlighted as the default. All DOS settings are selectable for Windows applications via the Windows Setting dialog; Windows settings are included in the same list.

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