A customized migration database is created as follows:
To start PARSEDB, type the following statement from a command prompt:
PARSEDB [path] DBTAGS.DAT [path] text_database [path] binary_database
The text_database file is the main input file for PARSEDB that has to be created.
For example, type the following statement to create a new database named MYDATA.DAT:
Note that you must specify a file name for the binary database file to prevent the PARSEDB utility program from overwriting the default database file DATABASE.DAT.
When creating the text_database file, each program must have the following migration information:
ASSOC_FILE and DEF_DIR can have NULL values; NULL values must be included when defining the program if specific values for these fields cannot be provided.
When creating MYDATA.TXT, group the settings for a given program on consecutive lines. Use blank lines to mark the end of a program's settings. Begin non-blank lines with a token. The tag file DBTAGS.DAT defines valid token settings, limits, and default values for various DOS properties.
Here is the listing of DBTAGS.DAT: DBTAGS.DAT
The layout of each line in DBTAGS.DAT is as follows:
INDEX VALUE TYPE (optional comments)
TYPE is one of the following:
Using these types, various settings for programs can be defined. Do not edit DBTAGS.DAT or create a new one; the tag file is available only as a reference when creating the MYDATA.TXT file.
PARSEDB checks the validity of all entries in MYDATA.TXT and compares them to the settings definitions in DBTAGS.DAT. If all entries are valid, PARSEDB creates a binary database named MYDATA.DAT.
Errors in the text file will cause PARSEDB to exit and display a message:
PARSEDB does not check for duplicate entries in the input text file, nor does it require settings to be in any particular order. It is also not case sensitive, that is, "Off" is treated the same as "OFF".
We recommend that a copy of the input text file (DATABASE.TXT) for the default migration database file (DATABASE.DAT) be made and used as the template for your own input file. A sample input text file is listed below.
User Definitions for other Applications