//                           +--------------------+
//                           | NOTE TO TRANSLATOR |
//                           +--------------------+
// Do not translate keywords or data types and delete these lines when done.
// ============================================================================
// dbtags.dat -- DOS setting "tags" used by PARSEDB and MIGRATE.  Each "tag"
// consists of an index, a keyword, and a data type.
//             +------------------------------------------------+
//             +------------------------------------------------+
// ============================================================================
// Allows BASIC-style comments.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1   REM                        NOP

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Required "fake" DOS settings.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2   NAME                       STR    // Filename used to execute application
3   TITLE                      STR    // Icon (desktop) title
4   TYPE                       BYTE   // Application type
                                      // Valid settings: DOS
                                      //                 Windows
                                      //                 OS/2
                                      //                 custom (for Microsoft
                                      //                 Windows apps which
                                      //                 must run full-screen)
5   ASSOC_FILE                 STR    // Associated file (NULL if one isn't
                                      // known)
6   DEF_DIR                    STR    // Default installation directory (NULL
                                      // if there isn't one)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Other "fake" DOS settings.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7   FOLDER                     STR    // Name of folder to create and/or put
                                      // the application icon in
8   PARAMETERS                 STR    // Application's command line parameters
9   WORK_DIR                   STR    // Application's working directory

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Fake" Windows settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10  WIN_FILES                  STR    // Files to be copied to the WinOS2
                                      // directory when the application is
                                      // migrated
11  COMMON_SESSION             BOOL   // Default: ON  -> the application is to
                                      //                 be run in the common
                                      //                 session
                                      //          OFF -> the application is to
                                      //                 be run "standalone"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Real DOS settings.  NOTE: WIN_RUNMODE is not supported; all Windows apps are
// installed with SEAMLESS and WPS handles the mapping.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  WIN_RUNMODE                INT    // Valid settings: 10 (REAL)
                                      //                 11 (STANDARD)
                                      //                 12 (AUTO)
                                      //                 13 (SEAMLESS)
13  COM_HOLD                   BOOL   // Default: off
14  DOS_BREAK                  BOOL   // Default: off
15  DOS_DEVICE                 MLSTR  // Default: empty
16  DOS_FCBS                   INT    // Limits: 0 to 255, default 16
17  DOS_FCBS_KEEP              INT    // Limits: 0 to 255, default 8
18  DOS_FILES                  INT    // Limits: 20 to 255, default 20
19  DOS_HIGH                   BOOL   // Default: off
20  DOS_LASTDRIVE              STR    // Limits: last physical drive to 'Z',
                                      //         default 'Z'
21  DOS_RMSIZE                 INT    // Limits: 128 to 640, default 640
                                      // NOTE: increments of 16
22  DOS_SHELL                  STR    // Default: "#:\OS2\MDOS\COMMAND.COM "
                                      //          "#:\OS2\MDOS\ /P" where #
                                      //          is the boot drive
23  DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE          STR    // Default: empty
24  DOS_UMB                    BOOL   // Default: off
25  DOS_VERSION                MLSTR  // Default: DCJSS02.EXE,3,40,255
                                      //          DFIA0MOD.SYS,3,40,255
                                      //          DXMA0MOD.SYS,3,40,255
                                      //          IBMCACHE.COM,3,40,255
                                      //          IBMCACHE.SYS,3,40,255
                                      //          ISAM.EXE,3,40,255
                                      //          ISAM2.EXE,3,40,255
                                      //          ISQL.EXE,3,40,255
                                      //          NET3.COM,3,40,255
                                      //          EXCEL.EXE,10,10,4
                                      //          PSCPG.COM,3,40,255
                                      //          SAF.EXE,3,40,255
                                      //          WIN200.BIN,10,10,4
26  DPMI_DOS_API               STR    // Valid settings: AUTO (default)
                                      //                 ENABLED
                                      //                 DISABLED
27  DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT          INT    // Limits: 0 to 512, default 3
28  EMS_FRAME_LOCATION         STR    // Valid settings: AUTO (default)
                                      //                 NONE
                                      //                 C000
                                      //                 C400
                                      //                 C800
                                      //                 CC00
                                      //                 D000
                                      //                 D400
                                      //                 D800
                                      //                 DC00
                                      //                 8000
                                      //                 8400
                                      //                 8800
                                      //                 8C00
                                      //                 9000
29  EMS_HIGH_OS_MAP_REGION     INT    // Limits: 0 to 96, default 32
                                      // NOTE: increments of 16
30  EMS_LOW_OS_MAP_REGION      INT    // Limits: 0 to 576, default 384
                                      // NOTE: increments of 16
31  EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT           INT    // Limits: 0 to 32768, default 2048
                                      // NOTE: increments of 16
32  HW_NOSOUND                 BOOL   // Default: off
33  HW_ROM_TO_RAM              BOOL   // Default: off
34  HW_TIMER                   BOOL   // Default: off
35  IDLE_SECONDS               INT    // Limits: 0 to 60, default 0
36  IDLE_SENSITIVITY           INT    // Limits: 1 to 100, default 75
37  KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS         BOOL   // Default: off
38  KBD_BUFFER_EXTEND          BOOL   // Default: on
39  KBD_CTRL_BYPASS            STR    // Valid settings: NONE (default)
                                      //                 ALT_ESC
                                      //                 CTRL_ESC
40  KBD_RATE_LOCK              BOOL   // Default: off
41  MEM_EXCLUDE_REGIONS        STR    // Default: empty
42  MEM_INCLUDE_REGIONS        STR    // Default: empty
43  MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS     BOOL   // Default: off
44  PRINT_TIMEOUT              INT    // Limits: 1 to 3600, default 15
45  VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP     BOOL   // Default: on
46  VIDEO_FASTPASTE            BOOL   // Default: off
47  VIDEO_MODE_RESTRICTION     ENUM   // Valid settings: NONE (default)
                                      //                 CGA
                                      //                 MONO
48  VIDEO_ONDEMAND_MEMORY      BOOL   // Default: on
49  VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION    BOOL   // Default: on
50  VIDEO_ROM_EMULATION        BOOL   // Default: on
52  VIDEO_WINDOW_REFRESH       INT    // Limits: 1 to 600, default 1
53  XMS_HANDLES                INT    // Limits: 0 to 128, default 32
54  XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT           INT    // Limits: 0 to 16384, default 2048
                                      // NOTE: increments of 4
55  XMS_MINIMUM_HMA            INT    // Limits: 0 to 63, default 0
57  DPMI_NETWORK_BUFF_SIZE     INT    // Limits: 1 to 64, default 8

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[Next: User Definitions for other Applications]