SOUND.BAS Source Code

'*  Program name: SOUND.BAS                              *
'*  Created     : 05/14/90                               *
'*  Revised     :                                        *
'*  Author      : Bernd Westphal                         *
'*  Purpose     : Access the speaker system in a         *
'*                VDM environment                        *
'*                Only 1 VDM has access to the speaker   *
'*  Compiler    : IBM BASIC Compiler/2                   *
'*  Compile     : BASCOM SOUND /O;                       *
'*  Link        : Link SOUND;                            *
'*  Input param : none                                   *

    CLS                           ' clear the screen
    PLAY ON                       ' trap background music events
    ON PLAY(3) GOSUB PlayMusic    ' If there are less than 3 notes
                                  ' in the buffer gosub line 1000
    PRINT "Press ENTER to end."   ' display info, how to end program
    PLAY "MB"                     ' background option for PLAY
    GOSUB PlayMusic               ' start the music
    kb$ = ""                      ' keyboard input buffer
    WHILE kb$ = ""                ' start of loop
       LOCATE 3, 1                ' position the cursor
       COLOR c                    ' change color and print some text,
                                  ' to show, that music executes
                                  ' independent
       PRINT "Playing your favorite music ..."
       c = c + 1                  ' next color
       IF c > 15 then c = 1       ' no blinking mode
       kb$ = INKEY$               ' get a character if present
    WEND                          ' end of loop
    COLOR 7                       ' white on black
    SYSTEM                        ' return to DOS

   PLAY "t180 o2 p2 p8 L8 GGG L2 E- p24 p8 L8 FFF L2 D"

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