'*  Program name: GRAPHIC.BAS                            *
'*  Created     : 05/14/90                               *
'*  Revised     :                                        *
'*  Author      : Bernd Westphal                         *
'*  Purpose     : Draw some graphics                     *
'*                for VDM clipboard lab session          *
'*  Compiler    : IBM BASIC Compiler/2 V1.00             *
'*  Compile     : BASCOM GRAPHIC /O                      *
'*  Link        : LINK GRAPHIC;                          *
'*  Input param : none                                   *

   SCREEN 2                           ' select 640 x 200 graphics mode
   CLS                                ' clear the screen
   FOR X=1 TO 640 STEP 10
      LINE (320,199)-(X,0)            ' draw some lines
   FOR X=1 TO 640 STEP 10
      LINE (320,0)-(X,199)            ' draw some lines
   LOCATE 12,31                       ' position the cursor
   PRINT SPACE$(21)                   ' print 21 blanks
   LOCATE 13,31                       ' position the cursor
   PRINT " IBM ITSC Boca Raton "      ' print some text
   LOCATE 14,31                       ' position the cursor
   PRINT SPACE$(21)                   ' print 21 blanks
   KB$ = INPUT$(1)                    ' check for keystroke
   SYSTEM                             ' return to DOS

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