Data Transfer Modes

The attainable speed of data transfer between two participants on the IBM Micro Channel is affected by a number of factors:

  • Time required to gain control over the channel (arbitration)
  • Time required for each data transfer
  • Capability to perform burst mode transfers
  • The width of the data path (8, 16, 32, or more bits)
  • Type of transfer cycle used (basic or matched-memory cycle).

    The arbitration cycle required to gain control over the Micro Channel takes a minimum of 300 ns. After that time, the device can use the channel until the transfer is completed or a pre-empt signal is raised by another device. During the time a device controls the channel, it can move data on the channel by placing an address on the address bus and data on the data bus. The capacities of different devices on the Micro Channel, in their current PS/2 implementation, are shown in Table "Data and Address Bus Widths for Micro Channel Participants".

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