Task Switching

A significant function of the 80386 processor is its ability to support a multitasking environment. While much of the multitasking support in the 80386 is similar to that provided in the previous 80286 family, multitasking will be discussed here for those who may not be familiar with its implementation.

In a multitasking system, when one task is suspended and control is passed to another, the processor state must be stored so that when the suspended task regains control, it may resume normal operation where it left off.

The 80386 processor architecture defines a special type of memory structure known as a Task State Segment (TSS). The processor uses a specific fixed format to store task-related control information in the TSS, in order to provide high-performance task-switching operations with complete isolation between tasks. A separate TSS is maintained for each task in the system. Each TSS contains:

  • General registers (EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI)

  • Segment registers (ES, CS, SS, DS, FS, and GS)

  • Flags register (EFLAGS)

  • Instruction pointer (EIP)

  • Selector for the TSS of the previous task

  • Selector for the task's LDT (static)

  • Logical addresses of the stacks for privilege levels 0, 1, and 2

  • The T-bit (debug trap bit)

  • Base address for the I/O permission bit map.

    A special segment descriptor is used for each TSS, and appears only in the system's Global Descriptor Table (GDT), since TSSs are not available to applications. The Task Register always contains a pointer to the TSS for the current task.

    Task switching may occur as the result of either an interrupt or of executing an instruction that explicitly transfers control. A task switch may be achieved in one of four ways:

  • The current task executes a JMP or CALL to a TSS descriptor

  • The current task executes a JMP or CALL to a task gate (a special type of segment descriptor)

  • An interrupt or exception indexes a task gate in the IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table)

  • The current task executes an IRET instruction with the NT (next task) flag set. The selector for the previous task is always stored in the current TSS, thus providing the means to return control to the previous task.

    During the task switch operation, the processor saves the contents of the current registers in the TSS of the current task. The selector of the next TSS is then loaded into the Task Register. This selector references an entry in the GDT, which contains the physical address of the TSS. The values in the TSS are then loaded into the processor's registers, and control information is loaded into the segment registers from the GDT and the process's LDT. The processor is then ready to continue execution of the new task.

    To create a new task, the operating system initializes a TSS to the appropriate initial values. The operating system then determines when to start the task, and accomplishes this by simply switching from the current task to the new one.

    OS/2 V2.0 only makes minimal use of the TSS mechanism. The use of the flat memory model and the way in which OS/2 V2.0 implements paging makes a large part of the data stored in the TSS redundant. Consequently OS/2 V2.0 implements its own task switching model which optimizes switches between threads in the same or different processes. Also allocating a TSS for each thread in the system would use a large amount of storage. OS/2 V2.0 uses a single TSS for effecting transitions between the different privilege levels, at which tasks present in the system run. Privilege levels are described in Privilege Levels.

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