
In addition to the segmented memory management offered on the earlier 80286 processors, the 80386 provides a paged memory model. This is an optional function of the 80386, and there are no direct performance implications of an operating system choosing not to use paged memory. However, the paged memory model provides significant performance benefits when running large applications which make extensive use of virtual memory.

Under previous versions of OS/2, the smallest unit of memory (for memory management purposes) was the segment, since the operating system was designed to execute on the 80286 processor and use the segmented memory model. With the 80286, segments may vary in size between 16 bytes and 64KB; there is therefore a danger of having a large amount of free memory which is fragmented into small, discontiguous units.

Previous versions of OS/2 managed this by moving segments within real storage to create a larger free space, and by swapping unused segments to disk until they are required. This entailed a high degree of overhead for the operating system. With an 80386 processor, however, segments may be up to 4GB in size, and the overhead could potentially result in an unacceptable performance impact, particularly for applications with very large segments. Also there is the problem of having sufficient physical memory to load a complete segment, when the segment is very large.

In order to avoid this situation, the 80386 processor provides a paged memory model, implemented in hardware through a dedicated paging unit included on the processor chip. A page is a 4KB unit of contiguous memory, and replaces the segment as the unit of granularity for memory management, including swapping to and from disk. Note that paging is available in protected mode, in conjunction with both the segmented and flat memory models.

Using the paged memory model, an application makes a memory reference in the normal way, using either the segmented memory model or the flat memory model. The segmentation unit in the processor automatically resolves the reference into a 32-bit linear address. However, this linear address does not represent a physical address, but is made up as follows:

  • The high-order 10 bits of the field are used as an index into a page directory table. The entry in this table in turn refers to the base address of a page table.

  • The next 10 bits of the field are used as an index into the page table referred to by the page directory entry. The entry in the page table provides the physical base address of a 4KB page.

  • The lower-order 12 bits of the field are used as an offset within the page referred to by the page table entry.

    OS/2 Version 2.0 maintains a single page directory for the entire system, but a separate set of page directory entries for each process present in the system. The physical address of the page directory is held in the CR3 control register. This is known as the page directory base register (PDBR) in OS/2 Version 2.0. When a task switch takes place, the page directory entries, for the process being scheduled, are copied into the page directory.

    Figure "Protected Mode Addressing - with Paging"

    Both the page directory and page tables contain 32-bit page specifiers. The page directory and page tables are themselves contained within single pages, and may therefore contain a maximum of 1024 entries. Each page directory can hence access up to 4GB of storage, which is the maximum physical address space of the 80386.

    Pages may be shared between processes by defining them in the page tables of more than one process. Note that this is done at the page table level rather than the page directory level, in order to share only the individual pages required.

    In order to further reduce the overhead involved in looking up page references, the 80386 also provides a hardware-based address caching mechanism for paging information. This is known as the translation lookaside buffer (TLB). The TLB contains the physical addresses for the 32 most recently used pages, and therefore allows very fast access to these pages since it is no longer necessary to read entries from the page directory and a page table, which are held in system memory. Use of the TLB is handled entirely within the paging unit, and is not visible to software. The operating system must, however, ensure that the buffer is flushed whenever the PDBR is updated or an entry in either the page directory or a page table is changed. This ensures that the TLB contents are kept in step with the operating system maintained tables.

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