Operating System Restrictions

Several restrictions apply to the manner in which various versions of operating systems may be installed under Boot Manager. These include:

  • Only DOS Versions 3.2 and above are supported by Boot Manager.

  • All supported versions of DOS must be installed on a primary partition on the first drive and therefore, end up working on the C: drive only.

  • DOS Versions 3.2 and 3.3 must be installed in a partition that falls wholly within the first 32MB of a fixed disk.

  • OS/2 Version 1.3 and earlier versions may only be installed on a primary partition on the first drive and therefore, end up working on the C: drive only.


  • An operating system may NOT store its own information in the Multi-Boot Block or in the Master Boot Record on the physical drive. Any such information must be held within the logical disks owned by that operating system. Operating systems which do not obey this rule may not function correctly in the Boot Manager environment, and will compromise disk integrity.

  • Other operating systems may leave their partition startable following installation. The user would have to use their FDISK program or boot the OS/2 V2.0 installation diskette to mark the Boot Manager partition as startable again to enable the Boot Manager menu at startup. See also Boot Manager Installation.

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