Boot Manager Installation

Since the only way that a physical drive may be partitioned for Boot Manager is to utilize OS/2 Version 2.0, it must be the first operating system installed.

Note: OS/2 Version 2.0 will not specifically prompt for the installation of Boot Manager as part of the normal installation process. To ensure that Boot Manager is installed, the user should elect not to accept the default disk partitioning when prompted by the installation procedure. The user should take the option to modify the default partitioning if Boot Manager is required to be installed.

Any disk partitioning required during installation is provided through the full-screen FDISK utility. To ensure that Boot Manager support is installed, "Install Boot Manager..." must be chosen and remain startable. If users wish to install an operating system on any one of the partitions available, they must make this partition installable. The FDISK utility provides advisory warning messages to remind users of this requirement.

Note that after installing OS/2 V1.3 or DOS 5.0 on one of the primary partitions, this partition will automatically become startable. To reactivate Boot Manager, the user has to use the FDISK command in order to make Boot Manager startable again.

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