When OS/2 Version 2.0 Will Not Run

IBM has been working with a number of OEMs of IBM-compatible PCs to ensure that OS/2 Version 2.0 will work on as wide a range of hardware as possible.

At general availability of OS/2 V2.0, a list of OEM machines that have been tested and support OS/2 V2.0 will be published. The updating of this list will be an ongoing process. Even if your machine appears on this list, you will need to check if there are any special considerations for installing OS/2 V2.0 on your machine. The dealer from whom you purchased the machine will be able to provide you with details supplied by the manufacturer and any special device drivers you may need.

Also to be considered is the support required for any adapters installed in the machine, which are not normally standard for the machine. This consideration applies to IBM PS/2s as well. For example, it is common to replace the disk controller in older machines with a newer SCSI controller. If this is an IBM controller, it is not a problem. However if a controller from an OEM is used, then a different device driver might be required.

If OS/2 V2.0 fails to run on a particular machine, these are some of the things that can be checked:

  • Check the documentation shipped with OS/2 V2.0 such as the online README File, which is found in the Information folder, for any special installation considerations which apply.

  • If any OS/2 bulletin boards are available, access them for any revised installation instructions or device driver requirements for the machine's configuration.

  • Check that the microprocessor on the system board is from the 80386 or 80486 families of processors.

  • If it is an 80386 processor, check that it has a stepping level of D0 or later.

  • Check that at least 4MB of memory is installed and available.

  • Check that there is sufficient free space in the disk partition containing SWAPPER.DAT to allow for growth of this file.

  • Check that the BIOS/ABOIS installed is the latest available for the machine.

  • Check if the disk system needs a special device driver and if there any special instructions for installing it.

  • Check for any other device driver requirements.


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