Pointing Device Support

OS/2 Version 2.0 provides support for some of the popular pointing devices such the IBM PS/2 mouse and several mouse types which attach to the serial port. Some pointing devices are supplied with their own device drivers. An example of this is the Hewlett-Packard** (HP) mouse. Support for these devices can only be activated after installation of OS/2 V2.0 is completed. The OS/2 V2.0 installation will have to be carried out using the keyboard. During the installation, install support for the IBM PS/2 style pointing device.

After the system has been restarted, support for the pointing device can be installed. This installation will usually involve copying one or more device drivers to the \OS2 directory and updating the CONFIG.SYS. In the case of the HP mouse and assuming OS/2 is installed on the C: partition, the steps involved are:

  • Copy the EXBIOS.SYS and HILMOU.SYS to the C:\OS2 directory from the diskette supplied with the mouse

  • Update the CONFIG.SYS as follows:
    add----->   DEVICE=C:\OS2\EXBIOS.SYS
    add----->   DEVICE=C:\OS2\HILMOU.SYS

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