New Disk Device Driver

A new disk device driver interface has been defined for use by OS/2 V2.0 file systems. The request-passing mechanism employs a request list of prioritized commands which the device driver may reorder to optimize access. Read and write operations use scatter/gather descriptors (as used by SCSI adapters) allowing data transfer to and from discontiguous memory buffers. The interface is designed to be data-structure compatible with future versions of OS/2 in order to minimize work at the time of migration.

With this extended device driver support, both the standard OS/2 interface (using ABIOS read/write) and the new high performance interface (using the ABIOS Transfer SCB) allow both OS/2 file systems and the OS/2 kernel to access the disk.

The following is a summary of the device driver changes:

  • The disk device driver records the information indicating the type of DASD (ESDI/ST506 or SCSI) and the level of caching support for each logical drive (LID)

  • Support is provided for the new device command 1Dh - GetDeviceSupport. The device driver will return addresses to two structures in the request packet: