Device Helper Functions

OS/2 Version 2.0 still uses a 16-bit device driver model. In order to optimize existing device drivers for the 32-bit flat memory model, new DevHlp() functions have been added for memory management.

  • Locking specific address ranges

    Since paging is used in OS/2 Version 2.0, segments no longer need to be physically contiguous in memory. Thus, when locking these segments in memory, the memory manager may need to "shuffle" pages to make them contiguous.

    This shuffling can greatly increase the amount of time it takes to perform the locking. Locking of entire segments should therefore be avoided by using the new VMLock DevHlp() function, which locks only the required range of addresses within a memory object.

  • Address context conversion without locking

    In previous versions of OS/2, device drivers were required to lock the user's buffers to gain context-free addressability. Since locking degrades performance and reduces available pageable system memory, new DevHlp() functions have been added to convert these addresses without the need for locking.

  • Removal of frequent selector loads

    Device drivers can reduce the amount of selector loading by using the new flat memory model DevHlp() functions to allocate memory. All of the memory allocated by the new VMAlloc DevHlp() function can be addressed via one flat selector available to device drivers at initialization time.

  • Scatter/gather DMA support

    Scatter/gather DMA adapters (such as the IBM SCSI adapters described in Micro Channel Architecture and SCSI) allow DMA operations on physically discontiguous pages of memory. This ability provides a significant performance advantage over contiguous DMA operations.

    By using the new VMLock DevHlp() function, a device driver can specify that pages should be locked without being physically contiguous in memory. VMLock will then return the physical addresses of each page that was locked.

  • Address-limited devices

    Address-limited devices (using 24-bit addressing) do not support memory above 16MB. The device drivers for these products will use a new bit on the VMLock and VMAlloc calls, which specifies that the memory must be locked or allocated below the 16MB line.

    The following are some of the new DevHlp() functions implemented in OS/2 Version 2.0:

  • VMAlloc - Allocate block of physical memory

    VMAlloc is used to allocate linear and/or physical address space in memory. These allocations can exceed 64KB in size and can be either fixed, movable or swappable memory. This call can be used to map non-system memory into the current process context.

  • VMFree - Free memory allocated via VMAlloc

    Memory allocated via VMAlloc can be freed with the VMFree DevHlp() function. VMFree is also used to remove the mappings created by VMGlobalToProcess and VMProcessToGlobal.

  • VMLock - Locks a range of memory within a segment

    VMLock is used to lock a linear address range into physical memory. If the lock is needed for scatter/gather DMA, then a list of physical page addresses is returned.

  • VMUnlock - Unlocks a range of memory within a segment

    VMUnlock is the counterpart of the VMLock function. It is used to unlock memory previously locked via VMLock.

  • VMProcessToGlobal - Map process address into global address space

    The VMProcessToGlobal DevHlp() function is used to convert an address that is in the context of the current process to an address in a global context. This allows context-free addressability to the memory objects of a process.

  • VMGlobalToProcess - Map global address into process address space

    VMGlobalToProcess can be used to map a global context address into the address space of the current process. When used for video buffers, the calling process can specify if the memory should be under screen group control. This will cause the memory to be validated or invalidated at task switch time.

  • VirtToLin - Converts a selector:offset address to a linear address

    VirtToLin will convert a selector:offset address into a flat 32-bit linear address.

  • LinToGDTSelector - Convert a linear address to a virtual address

    LinToGDTSelector is used to convert a linear address to a virtual (selector:offset) address by mapping the given GDT selector to the memory region referred to by the given linear address and range.

  • PhysToGDTSel - Maps a physical address to a GDT selector

    PhysToGDTSel converts a 32-bit physical address to a GDT selector:offset pair.

  • FreeGDTSelector - Free selector allocated via AllocateGDTSelector

    FreeGDTSelector frees up a GDT selector allocated via the AllocGDTSelector DevHlp() function.

  • PageListToGDTSelector - Maps given physical addresses to selector

    PageListToGDTSelector is used to map physical addresses to a GDT selector, setting the access byte of the descriptor to the requested type. The virtual memory needed to map the physical ranges described by the page list array must not exceed 64KB.

  • GetDescInfo - Return information on the contents of the descriptor

    GetDescInfo is used to return the access byte, linear address, and size of a descriptor allocated via the AllocGDTSelector DevHlp() function.

  • PageListToLin - Maps physical pages to a linear address

    PageListToLin is used to map physical memory pages described in an array of page list structures to a linear address.

  • LinToPageList - Returns the physical pages mapped by a linear range

    LinToPageList is used to translate a linear address range to an array of page list structures that describe the physical pages mapped.

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