Installation Considerations

The installation of OS/2 Version 2.0 is greatly simplified when compared to previous versions of OS/2, through the provision of a graphical installation procedure. This installation procedure addresses a number of the shortcomings experienced in previous versions of OS/2:

  • It provides greater feedback to the user during installation.

  • It provides a more flexible way for users to customize their system.

    The user is able to add optionally installable features at any time and to change the system configuration without having to boot from diskette.

  • It uses the standard OS/2 Presentation Manager user interface to guide the user through the installation process.

  • It supports installation from any drive to any drive.

    This feature makes it possible to install OS/2 V2.0 from a drive on a LAN server, CD-ROM or any other media which can be accessed as a "normal" drive letter. The process of installation over a LAN is described in OS/2 Version 2.0 Remote Installation and Maintenance.

    The installation procedure provided in Version 2.0 will in most cases be able to sense the hardware configuration of the system on which it is being installed, and will select the required device drivers. This awareness applies to the video and disk subsystems, keyboard and pointing devices. The user will be given the option to change or add to the configuration determined by the installation procedure.

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