
OS/2 Version 2.0 provides a comprehensive set of debugging facilities which may be used to develop powerful application debugging tools. These facilities make use of the debug registers present in the 80386 processor, and allow debugging on a per-process basis. The debugging of multi threaded applications is possible. It is also possible to debug code residing in DLLs.

Access to the debugging facilities is provided through the DosDebug() function call. Debugging services are requested by repetitive use of this function call with different command parameters.

The DosDebug() function replaces the DosPTrace() function implemented in previous versions of OS/2. However, the DosPTrace() function is implemented under OS/2 Version 2.0 as a 16-bit entry point, thereby allowing debugging tools written for previous versions of OS/2, and which use the DosPTrace() function, to be used under Version 2.0.

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