
The installation process for OS/2 Version 2.0 has been enhanced over that provided for previous versions of OS/2. After partitioning the fixed disk (if required) and loading the base operating system, the remainder of the installation is carried out using a graphical installation procedure based on Presentation Manager, with full mouse and keyboard support. Indicators are provided to allow the user to determine the progress of the installation.

Installation of optional features is carried out by selecting the required options from a graphical menu displayed by the installation procedure. Default system settings such as display type, mouse type, etc. are set by interrogating the hardware; these defaults may be modified by the user during installation.

Many parameters such as disk cache size, maximum number of threads and so on, may be set from within the installation procedure. These parameters are set using a dialog box which is displayed when the user selects the Software Configuration option from the OS/2 Setup and Installation panel.

The installation procedure for OS/2 Version 2.0 is described in detail in Installation Considerations.

OS/2 Version 2.0 may also be installed over a local area network (LAN) from a server machine. When installing in this manner, optional features may be specified either by the user or in a response file tailored by a network administrator. The process of installation over a LAN is described in OS/2 Version 2.0 Remote Installation and Maintenance.

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