# SCCSID = @(#)makefile 6.7 92/06/03
#/* */
#/* PSD Name: ALR.PSD - ALR PSD */
#/* ----------------------------------- */
#/* */
#/* Source File Name: MAKEFILE */
#/* */
#/* Descriptive Name: MAKEFILE for the ALR PSD */
#/* */
#/* Function: */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* Copyright (C) 1992 IBM Corporation */
#/* */
#/* DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. The following enclosed code is */
#/* provided to you solely for the purpose of assisting you in */
#/* the development of your applications. The code is provided */
#/* "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable */
#/* for any damages arising out of your use of this code, even if */
#/* they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* Change Log */
#/* */
#/* Mark Date Programmer Comment */
#/* ---- ---- ---------- ------- */
#/* @nnnn mm/dd/yy NNN */
#/* */
#/* */
# ****** NOTE ******
# If you are using a SED command with TAB characters, many editors
# will expand tabs causing unpredictable results in other programs.
# Documentation:
# Using SED command with TABS. Besure to invoke set tab save option
# on your editor. If you don't, the program 'xyz' will not work
# correctly.
# Dot directive definition area (usually just suffixes)
.SUFFIXES: .com .sys .exe .obj .mbj .asm .inc .def .lnk .lrf .crf .ref
.SUFFIXES: .lst .sym .map .c .h .lib
# Environment Setup for the component(s).
# Conditional Setup Area and User Defined Macros
# Compiler Location w/ includes, libs and tools
INC = ..\..\..\inc
H = ..\..\..\h
LIB = ..\..\..\lib386;..\..\..\lib
TOOLSPATH = ..\..\..\tools
# Because the compiler/linker and other tools use environment
# variables ( INCLUDE, LIB, etc ) in order to get the location of files,
# the following line will check the environment for the LIFE of the
# makefile and will be specific to this set of instructions. All MAKEFILES
# are requested to use this format to insure that they are using the correct
# level of files and tools.
!if set INCLUDE=$(INC) || \
# Compiler/tools Macros
# Compiler and Linker Options
AINC = -I. -I$(INC)
CFLAGS = /c /Zp /Gs /AS $(ENV)
LFLAGS = /map /nod /exepack
LIBS = os2386.lib
DEF = ALR.def
# Set up Macros that will contain all the different dependencies for the
# executables and dlls etc. that are generated.
OBJ1 = entry.obj main.obj
# LIST Files
OBJS = $(OBJ1)
# Setup the inference rules for compiling and assembling source code to
# object code.
$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $(AINC) $*.asm;
$(AS) $(AFLAGS) -DMMIOPH $(AINC) $*.asm $*.mbj;
$(AS) -l -n $(AFLAGS) $(AINC) $*.asm;
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CINC) $*.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fc $(CINC) $*.c
copy $*.cod $*.lst
del $*.cod
# Target Information
# This is a very important step. The following small amount of code MUST
# NOT be removed from the program. The following directive will do
# dependency checking every time this component is built UNLESS the
# following is performed:
# A specific tag is used -- ie. all
# This allows the developer as well as the B & I group to perform incremental
# build with a degree of accuracy that has not been used before.
# There are some instances where certain types of INCLUDE files must be
# created first. This type of format will allow the developer to require
# that file to be created first. In order to achieve that, all that has to
# be done is to make the DEPEND.MAK tag have your required target. Below is
# an example:
# depend.mak: { your file(s) } dephold
# Please DON'T remove the following line
!include "$(H)\common.mak"
!include "$(H)\version.mak"
# Should be the default tag for all general processing
all: ALR.psd
list: $(LIST)
if exist *.lnk del *.lnk
if exist *.obj del *.obj
if exist *.mbj del *.mbj
if exist *.map del *.map
if exist *.old del *.old
if exist *.lst del *.lst
if exist *.lsd del *.lsd
if exist *.sym del *.sym
if exist *.sys del *.sys
# Specific Description Block Information
# This section would only be for specific direction as to how to create
# unique elements that are necessary to the build process. This could
# be compiling or assembling, creation of DEF files and other unique
# files.
# If all compiler and assembly rules are the same, use an inference rule to
# perform the compilation.
alr.psd: $(OBJS) makefile
Rem Create DEF file <<$(DEF)
PSD_INSTALL = _Install
PSD_INIT = _Init
PSD_START_PROC = _StartProcessor
$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) @<<$(@B).lnk
$(MAPSYM) $*.map
# Dependency generation and Checking
depend.mak: dephold
touch depchk
includes -e -sobj -llst -I. -I$(H) -I$(DISKH) -I$(INC) -P$$(H)=$(H) *.c *.asm >$@
-del depchk
touch $@
!include depend.mak
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