/*static char *SCCSID = "@(#)psd.h 1.0 93/18/08";*/


#ifndef ulong_t

typedef unsigned long   ulong_t;
typedef unsigned short  ushort_t;
typedef unsigned char   uchar_t;


typedef int (*P_F_1)(ulong_t arg);
typedef int (*P_F_2)(ulong_t arg1, ulong_t arg2);

#define PSDHelp(router, function, arg) \
   ((*router)((function), (ulong_t)(arg)))

/* ASM
P_F_1 struc
dd ?
P_F_1 ends
P_F_2 struc
dd ?
P_F_2 ends


/* PSD Info structure */

typedef struct info_s {                     /* psd */
   ulong_t  flags;                          /* PSD flags */
   ulong_t  version;                        /* PSD version */
   ulong_t  hmte;                           /* MTE handle of PSD */
   uchar_t *pParmString;                    /* Pointer to ASCIIZ PSD parameter*/
   ulong_t  IRQ_IPI;                        /* IRQ for IPI */
   ulong_t  IRQ_LSI;                        /* IRQ for LSI */
   ulong_t  IRQ_SPI;                        /* IRQ for SPI */

/* PSD flags definition */

#define PSD_ADV_INT_MODE        0x20000000  /* PSD is in adv int mode #81531 */
#define PSD_INSTALLED           0x40000000  /* PSD has been installed */
#define PSD_INITIALIZED         0x80000000  /* PSD has been initialized */

/* PSD function numbers-structures */

#define PSD_INSTALL             0x00000000  /* Install PSD */

typedef struct install_s {                  /* install */
   P_F_2   pPSDHlpRouter;                   /* Address of PSDHlpRouter */
   char   *pParmString;                     /* Pointer to parameter string */
   void   *pPSDPLMA;                        /* Pointer to PSD's PLMA */
   ulong_t sizePLMA;                        /* Size of PLMA in bytes */

#define PSD_DEINSTALL           0x00000001  /* DeInstall PSD */

#define PSD_INIT                0x00000002  /* Initialize PSD */

typedef struct init_s {                     /* init */
   ulong_t flags;                           /* Init flags */
   ulong_t version;                         /* PSD Version number */

#define INIT_GLOBAL_IRQ_ACCESS  0x00000001  /* Platform has global IRQ access */
#define INIT_USE_FPERR_TRAP     0x00000002  /* Use Trap 16 to report FP err's */
#define INIT_EOI_IRQ13_ON_CPU0  0x00000004  /* eoi IRQ 13 only if on cpu 0    */
#define INIT_TIMER_CPU0         0x00000008  /* system timer is on CPU 0       */

#define PSD_PROC_INIT           0x00000003  /* Initialize processor */

#define PSD_START_PROC          0x00000004  /* Start processor */

#define PSD_GET_NUM_OF_PROCS    0x00000005  /* Get number of processors */

#define PSD_GEN_IPI             0x00000006  /* Generate an IPI */

#define PSD_END_IPI             0x00000007  /* End an IPI */

#define PSD_PORT_IO             0x00000008  /* Port I/O */

typedef struct port_io_s {                  /* port_io */
   ulong_t port;                            /* Port number to access */
   ulong_t data;                            /* Data read, or data to write */
   ulong_t flags;                           /* IO Flags */

#define IO_READ_BYTE    0x0000              /* Read a byte from the port */
#define IO_READ_WORD    0x0001              /* Read a word from the port */
#define IO_READ_DWORD   0x0002              /* Read a dword from the port */
#define IO_WRITE_BYTE   0x0003              /* Write a byte to the port */
#define IO_WRITE_WORD   0x0004              /* Write a word to the port */
#define IO_WRITE_DWORD  0x0005              /* Write a dword to the port */

#define IO_FLAGMASK     0x0007              /* Flag mask */

#define PSD_IRQ_MASK            0x00000009  /* Mask/Unmask IRQ levels */

typedef struct psd_irq_s {                  /* psd_irq */
   ulong_t flags;                           /* IRQ flags */
   ulong_t data;                            /* IRQ data */
                                            /*   depending on type of irq */
                                            /*   operation, the data field */
                                            /*   can contain any of the */
                                            /*   following info: */
                                            /*   1) Mask or UNMasking data */
                                            /*   2) IRR or ISR reg values */
                                            /*   3) IRQ # for EOI operations */
   ulong_t procnum;                         /* Processor number */

#define PSD_IRQ_REG             0x0000000A  /* Access IRQ related regs */

#define PSD_IRQ_EOI             0x0000000B  /* Issue an EOI */

#define IRQ_MASK                0x00000001  /* Turn on IRQ mask bits */
#define IRQ_UNMASK              0x00000002  /* Turn off IRQ mask bits */
#define IRQ_GETMASK             0x00000004  /* Get IRQ mask bits */
#define IRQ_NEWMASK             0x00000010  /* Set and/or Reset all masks */
#define IRQ_READ_IRR            0x00000100  /* Read the IRR reg */
#define IRQ_READ_ISR            0x00000200  /* Read the ISR reg */

#define PSD_APP_COMM            0x0000000C  /* PSD/APP Communication */

#define PSD_SET_ADV_INT_MODE    0x0000000D  /* Set advanced int mode */

#define PSD_SET_PROC_STATE      0x0000000E  /* Set proc state; idle, or busy */

#define PROC_STATE_IDLE         0x00000000  /* Processor is idle */
#define PROC_STATE_BUSY         0x00000001  /* Processor is busy */

#define PSD_QUERY_SYSTEM_TIMER  0x0000000F  /* Query Value of System Timer 0 */

typedef struct psd_qrytmr_s {               /* psd_qrytmr */
   ulong_t qw_ulLo_psd;                     /* Timer count */
   ulong_t qw_ulHi_psd;                     /* Timer count */
   ulong_t pqwTmr;                          /* 16:16 ptr to qwTmr */

#define PSD_SET_SYSTEM_TIMER    0x00000010  /* Set System Timer 0 counter    */

typedef struct psd_settmr_s {               /* psd_settmr */
   ulong_t NewRollOver;                     /* NewRollover*/
   ulong_t pqwTmrRollover;                  /* 16:16 ptr to qwTmrRollover */

/* PSD helper function numbers-structures */

#define PSDHLP_VMALLOC          0x00000000  /* Allocate memory */

typedef struct vmalloc_s {                  /* vmalloc */
   ulong_t addr;                            /* Physical address to map */
                                            /*  if VMALLOC_PHYS */
                                            /* Lin addr to alloc at */
                                            /*  if VMALLOC_LOCSPECIFIC */
                                            /* on return, addr of allocation */
   ulong_t cbsize;                          /* Size of mapping in bytes */
   ulong_t flags;                           /* Allocation flags */

#define VMALLOC_FIXED           0x00000001  /* Allocate resident memory */
#define VMALLOC_CONTIG          0x00000002  /* Allocate contiguous memory */
#define VMALLOC_LOCSPECIFIC     0x00000004  /* Alloc at a specific lin address */
#define VMALLOC_PHYS            0x00000008  /* Map physical address */
#define VMALLOC_1M              0x00000010  /* Allocate below 1M */

#define VMALLOC_FLAGMASK        0x0000001f  /* Valid flag mask */

#define PSDHLP_VMFREE           0x00000001  /* Free memory */

#define PSDHLP_SET_IRQ          0x00000002  /* Set up an IRQ */

typedef struct set_irq_s {                  /* set_irq */
   ushort_t irq;                            /* IRQ level */
   ushort_t flags;                          /* Set IRQ flags */
   ulong_t  vector;                         /* IRQ interrupt vector */
   P_F_2    handler;                        /* IRQ handler */

#define IRQf_IPI  0x0020                    /* IRQ for IPI */
#define IRQf_LSI  0x0040                    /* IRQ for LSI */
#define IRQf_SPI  0x0080                    /* IRQ for SPI */

#define PSDHLP_CALL_REAL_MODE   0x00000003  /* Call a function in real mode */

typedef struct call_real_mode_s {           /* call_real_mode */
   ulong_t function;                        /* Function address */
   ulong_t pdata;                           /* Pointer to data area */

#define PSDHLP_VMLINTOPHYS      0x00000004  /* Convert linear addr to phys */

#define PSDHLP_ADJ_PG_RANGES    0x00000005  /* Adjust page ranges */

typedef struct _pagerange_s {               /* pagerange */
   ulong_t lastframe;                       /* Last valid page in range */
   ulong_t firstframe;                      /* First valid page in range */

typedef struct adj_pg_ranges_s{             /* adj_pg_ranges */
   struct _pagerange_s *pprt;               /* Pointer to page range table */
   ulong_t nranges;                         /* Num of ranges in range table */

/* PSD function prototypes */

extern void PSDEnter (ulong_t function, ulong_t arg, P_F_2 altEntry);

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