Main program

#define INCL_ERROR_H

#include <os2.h>
#include <psd.h>
#include <alr.h>

extern ulong_t RMP2Available(void);

 *  Global Variables

P_F_2   router = 0;
char   *pParmString = 0;
int     IODelayCount = 30;
ulong_t sizePLMA = 0;

/***  Disable - Disable interrupts
 *    This function disables interrupts, and returns
 *    the original state of eflags
 *    ENTRY   None
 *    EXIT    EFLAGS

ulong_t Disable(void) {

   ulong_t eflags;

   _asm {
      pop   eax
      mov   eflags,eax

   return (eflags);

/***  Enable - Restore the state of eflags
 *    This function restores the state of eflags
 *    ENTRY   eflags - state of eflags to restore
 *    EXIT    None

void Enable(ulong_t eflags) {

   _asm {
      push  eflags


 /***  InByte - Read a byte from a port
  *    This function reads a byte from a specified port
  *    ENTRY   port - port number to read from
  *    EXIT    data read

 ulong_t InByte(ulong_t port) {

    ulong_t data;

    _asm {
       mov   dx,port
       in    al,dx
       movzx eax,al
       mov   data,eax

    return (data);

/***  OutByte - Writes a byte to a port
 *    This function writes a byte to a specified port
 *    ENTRY   port - port number to read from
 *            data - data to write
 *    EXIT    None

void OutByte(ulong_t port, ulong_t data) {

   _asm {
      mov   dx,port
      mov   al,byte ptr data
      out   dx,al


/***  SendEOI - Send an end of interrupt
 *    This function sends an end of interrupt.
 *    ENTRY   irq - irq level to end
 *    EXIT    None

ulong_t SendEOI(ulong_t irq) {

   ulong_t flags;

   flags = Disable();

   if (irq < NUM_IRQ_PER_PIC)
   else {


/***  WHO_AM_I - Returns the current processor number
 *    This function returns the current processor number
 *    ENTRY   NONE
 *    EXIT    Current processor number (P1 or P2)

ulong_t WHO_AM_I (void) {

/***  IPIPresent - Detects the presence of an IPI
 *    This function detects the presence of an IPI on the current
 *    processor
 *    ENTRY   None
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR - IPI present
 *            -1       - IPI not present

ulong_t IPIPresent (void) {

   ulong_t rc = 0;
   struct control_s ctrl;
   ulong_t port;

   port = pPSDPLMA->controlport;

   ctrl.b_all = InByte(port);
   if (ctrl.b_387err)
      OutByte (0xf0, 0); // The busy latch for NPX must be cleared.
                         // When we call the interrupt handler
                         // (w/ Call16bitDD int.asm), ints. are 1st enabled.
                         // If the busy latch is not cleared, then we
                         // will take this interrupt in again and will
                         // eventually nest until the interrupt stack is
                         // overrun.
      rc = -1;
   return (rc);

/***  Install - Install PSD
 *    This function checks to see if this PSD is installable on the
 *    current platform.
 *    ENTRY   pinstall - pointer to an INSTALL structure
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR - PSD Installed
 *            -1       - PSD not valid for this platform

ulong_t Install(INSTALL *pinstall) {

   VMALLOC vmac;
   int i;
   char *p;
   ulong_t rc = 0;
   char ALR_String =  "PROVEISA";

// _asm int 3;

   /* Setup Global variables */

   router = pinstall->pPSDHlpRouter;
   pParmString = pinstall->pParmString;
   pPSDPLMA = (void *)pinstall->pPSDPLMA;
   sizePLMA = pinstall->sizePLMA;

   vmac.addr = BIOS_SEG << 4;
   vmac.cbsize = _64K;
   vmac.flags = VMALLOC_PHYS;

   /* Map BIOS area */

   if ((rc = PSDHelp(router, PSDHLP_VMALLOC, &vmac)) == NO_ERROR) {

      /* Check for ALR string */

      p = (char *)vmac.addr + ALR_STRING_OFFSET;

      for (i = 0; ALR_String i != '\0'; i++)
         if (p i  != ALR_String i) {
            rc = -1;

      /* Free BIOS mapping */

      PSDHelp(router, PSDHLP_VMFREE, vmac.addr);

   return (rc);

/***  DeInstall - DeInstall PSD
 *    This function deinstalls the PSD.
 *    ENTRY   None
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR

ulong_t DeInstall(void) {

   return (NO_ERROR);

/***  Init - Initialize the PSD
 *    This function initializes the PSD.
 *    ENTRY   None
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR - PSD initialized
 *            -1       - PSD not initialized

ulong_t Init(INIT *pinit) {

   struct control_s ctrl;
   SET_IRQ set_irq;

   /* Initialize P1 control port */

   ctrl.b_all = 0;
   ctrl.b_cacheon = 1;

   OutByte(P1_PROCESSOR_CONTROL_PORT, ctrl.b_all);

   /* Setup P2 interrupt vector */


   /* Setup IPI info */

   set_irq.irq = 13;
   set_irq.flags = IRQf_IPI;
   set_irq.vector = 0;
   set_irq.handler = (P_F_2)IPIPresent;

   PSDHelp(router, PSDHLP_SET_IRQ, &set_irq);

   /* Fill init structure */

   pinit->flags = INIT_EOI_IRQ13_ON_CPU0;           //76422
   pinit->version = VERSION;

   return (NO_ERROR);

/***  ProcInit - Processor initialization
 *    This function initializes per processor items.
 *    NOTE: This function is called once on each processor
 *          in the system.
 *    ENTRY   None
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR - Processor initialized
 *            -1       - Processor not initialized

ulong_t ProcInit(void) {

   if (WHO_AM_I() == P1) {
      pPSDPLMA->procnum = 0;
      pPSDPLMA->controlport = P1_PROCESSOR_CONTROL_PORT;
   else {
      pPSDPLMA->procnum = 1;
      pPSDPLMA->controlport = P2_PROCESSOR_CONTROL_PORT;

   return (NO_ERROR);

/***  StartProcessor - Start a processor
 *    This function starts a processor.
 *    ENTRY   procnum - processor number to start (0-based)
 *    EXIT    Return Code

ulong_t StartProcessor(ulong_t procnum) {

   struct control_s ctrl;
   ulong_t rc = -1;

   if (procnum == 1) {

      rm.function = (ulong_t)&RMP2Available;
      rm.pdata = 0;

      rc = PSDHelp(router, PSDHLP_CALL_REAL_MODE, &rm);

      if (rc & P2_AVAILABLE) {

         /* Dispatch P2 */

         ctrl.b_all = 0;
         ctrl.b_cacheon = 1;

         OutByte(P2_PROCESSOR_CONTROL_PORT, ctrl.b_all);
         rc = NO_ERROR;
         rc = -1;

   return (rc);

/***  GetNumOfProcs - Get number of processors
 *    This function gets the number of processors which exist on this
 *    platform.
 *    ENTRY   None
 *    EXIT    Number of processors

ulong_t GetNumOfProcs(void) {

   ulong_t cprocs = 2;

   return (cprocs);

/***  GenIPI - Generate an inter-processor interrupt
 *    This function generates an IPI.
 *    ENTRY   procnum - processor number to interrupt (0-based)
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR

ulong_t GenIPI(ulong_t procnum) {

   struct control_s ctrl;
   ulong_t port;

   if (procnum == 0)

   ctrl.b_all = InByte(port);
   ctrl.b_pint = 1;

   OutByte(port, ctrl.b_all);

   return (NO_ERROR);

/***  EndIPI - End an inter-processor interrupt
 *    This function ends an IPI.
 *    ENTRY   procnum - processor number to end interrupt on (0-based)
 *    EXIT    NO_ERROR

ulong_t EndIPI(ulong_t procnum) {

   struct control_s ctrl;
   ulong_t port;

   if (procnum == 0)

   ctrl.b_all = InByte(port);
   ctrl.b_pint = 0;

   OutByte(port, ctrl.b_all);

   if (procnum == 0)

   return (NO_ERROR);

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