The thread-local memory area consists of 32 DWORDs (128 bytes), each DWORD being 32-bits in size. Up to 8 DWORDs (32 bytes) can be requested each time this function is called. If you want to allocate more than 8 DWORDs, you must call this function more than once.
Allocation is by DWORD only. If you want to store a BYTE in the thread-local memory area, you would still allocate a DWORD, then store the BYTE in it.
#define INCL_DOSPROCESS /* Memory Manager values */ #include <os2.h> #include <stdio.h> /* For printf */ PVOID pMemBlock; /* Pointer to the memory block returned */ APIRET rc; /* Return code */ rc = DosAllocThreadLocalMemory(6, &pMemBlock); /* Allocate 6 DWORDs */ if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosAllocThreadLocalMemory error: return code = %ld", rc); return 1; } /* ... Use the thread-local memory block ... */ rc = DosFreeThreadLocalMemory(pMemBlock); /* Free the memory block */ if (rc != NO_ERROR) { printf("DosFreeThreadLocalMemory error: return code = %ld", rc); return 1; } return 0;