Documentation for CMDLINE.CMD

Documentation for CMDLINE.CMD Version 1.0
from Albert Crosby <>
(shorted for this document by /bs)

Keys used by CmdLine:

[Up] Cycle to the previous entry in the history list
[Down] Cycle to the next entry in the history list
[Left] Move the cursor to the left
[Right] Move the cursor to the right
[ESC] Clear the input line
[Home] Moves the cursor to the beginning of the input line
[End] Moves the cursor to the end of the input line
[^Home] Erases from the cursor to the beginning of the input line
[^End] Erases from the cursor to the end of the input line
[Ins] Toggles Insert/Typeover mode
[Del] Deletes character under the cursor
[Bkspc] Deletes the charcter in front of the cursor
[^Left] Moves to the beginning of the previous word
[^Right] Moves to the beginning of the next word


This feature only works if CmdLine is an INTERNAL function.

Extended keys may be defined by obtaining the code returned as the second
key by SysGetKey when that key is pressed. The program SHOWCODE.CMD is
included to demonstrate how to obtain these codes. Place commands such

history.key.60="go" /* Definition for F2 */

in your program. You cannot redefine keys that are already used by

Extended keys definitions are only available when history is available.


[Next: "Undocumented" REXX functions]