
Name OS/2 REXX DLL for (high-level) mouse
support available
Version 02/2001
Author André Doff
(see EMail Addresses)
Distrib. Freeware (?)
Price -
Note w/ documentation
Source Internet
Name: mruntime.*

"High-level, easy-to-use, REXX mouse functions with usage example. No doc's"

Usenet message from the author:

"M contains several high-level mouse functions. It supports about everything I could think of in every way I could think of, and is rather easy-to-use. ;p. For example, it can return the mouse cursor position. But also just the line number, return values (the default setting), and it includes some sound support, time-outs, and all (possible) screensizes. ;p. There's a (OS) limitation: it requires fullscreen text-mode. And you have to do the screen-I/O (draw screen, et cetera) yourself. So don't expect functions like "FileSaveAs()"! Not all functions are tested intensivly too.

Because it will take a while before the whole manual is completed (C nor English is my native language) I have already uploaded the runtime of "M" to Hobbes (, including one example with comments (select a drive with a key or the mouse). I assume it's somehow usable that way, but it doesn't use all (89!) available functions. Just ask if you've a specific need.

Anyway, I assume a typical REXX application can be based on the included EXAMPLE.CMD, so one can already use it as from now. The example is more "difficult" than required but OTOH it can be used by users, and it also supports the keyboard."

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