MD5 Algortihm in REXX

Name MD5 Algortihm in REXX
Version 9 April 2000.
Author Daniel Hellerstein
(see EMail Addresses)
Distrib. Freeware
Price -
Source Internet
Name: rexx_md5.*

Description from the author:

"REXX_MD5 is an "all REXX" (no dll's used) MD5-digest procedure. It takes a string as an input, and returns the 32 character (hex characters) MD5 digest. For example: MyMD5=rexx_md5('a string to digest')

Since REXX is weak at repetitive math, it's not very fast (actually, it's excuriatingly slow on large strings), but for small strings (say, less then a few hundred characters) it's tolerable."

See also the DLL SRXFUNC.DLL from the package SRE2003 Internet Interface from the same author.

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