Description from the author:
"DMrxWPS.dll is a REXX library that provides a bridge between REXX scripts and some of the WPS related OS/2 API functions, referred to as "Win functions". Its main purpose is to facilitate the installation and the reinstallation or updating of WPS classes. The current version of DMrxWPS supports only three Win functions in addition to its own two "helper functions". One of the Win functions, WinQueryObjectPath, is only available on WARP or above. Calling its corresponding DMrxWPS function, WpsQueryObjectPath, will not work on version of OS/2 before WARP.
Many of the Win functions are available in the RexxUtil REXX library. DMrxWPS is intended to supplement RexxUtil, not replace it. The three Win functions included in DMrxWPS are WpsQueryObject, WpsQueryObjectPath, and WpsSetObjectData. The first two functions were chosen because they can be used together to obtain the path to a WPFileSystem derived template in the Templates folder without knowing the path of the Templates folder itself. This path can then be used to manipulate the template using functions from RexxUtil. The sample script DelTmplt.cmd (included with DMrxWPS and described in section 3) shows how this can be done."
The dll provides the following functions: