RCF - REXX Code Formatter/2 ($)

Name RCF - REXX Code Formatter/2
Version Release 1.2.9
Author RKE Consulting, Inc.
P.O. Box 11569
Spring, TX 77391-1569
Distrib. Shareware
Type VisPro REXX Executable
Price $15
Source Internet
Name: rcf2102j.*

Description from the author:

REXX Code Formatter/2 Description

The REXX Code Formatter/2 (RCF/2) is an OS/2(*) REXX application written using VisPro/REXX(**) and VisPro/Reports(**). It is designed to allow a REXX programmer to format a program in a particular style, insuring that the format of each element of the REXX program conforms to that style.

Features of REXX Code Formatter/2

Using this product, users may, for example: