Version v2.8
Author Arthur van Beek
(see EMail Addresses)
maintained by
Steven Levine
(see EMail Addresses)
Distrib. Freeware
Type PM program
Price -
Source Internet
Name: PMDLL28.*

Description from the author:

"PMDLL is an OS/2 presentation manager program that shows you the complete tree of DLLs loaded by an OS/2 executable file or by a DLL (both 16 and 32 bit formats are supported). Sometimes it's uncertain why a program won't start (correctly) or behaves strange when running. When this program is using DLLs one of the causes can be that DLLs can't be found or that DLLs are loaded from unexpected directories which contain an incorrect version of the DLL. PMDLL gives you an easy way to detect these kind of problems."

PMDLL is a very useful tool to detect the further DLLs needed by a REXX dll (see DLL loading failed).

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