IBM: OS/2 Workplace Shell - Advanced Configuration

Title IBM: OS/2 Workplace Shell -
Advanced Configuration
OS/2 Configurations:
Cracking the Workplace
Author ?
Publisher IBM
IBM DOC: GG24-4201
Edition First Edition (May 1994)
Price -
Language English
Type INF-File (GG244201.INF)
or book, 303 pages
Source The INF file is for example on
the IBM Developer Connection CD

"This document describes interfaces to the Workplace Shell of OS/2 Version 2.1. It provides a discussion and examples of using the CONFIG.SYS, .RC files, .INI files and programs to install, customize and distribute the OS/2 Workplace Shell in a stand-alone and distributed environment.

This document was written for IBM Technical Professionals. Some knowledge of OS/2 is assumed."

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