sprintf routine for REXX

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This is an implementation of the C function sprintf in REXX from Bernie Schneider (see EMail Addresses)
Captured from a message in a public Internet news group (see Internet - Newsgroups)

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Program: SPRINTF                                                   */
/* Purpose: Returns a string formatted according to the format string */
/*          specified in the first argument and the values specified  */
/*          in the remaining arguments. It is modeled after the       */
/*          SPRINTF function in the C/C++, AWK, PERL, etc.            */
/*          programming languages.                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* Usage:   say sprintf(fmt_string, value1, value2, ..., valuen)      */
/*                                                                    */
/*  where fmt_string specifies the formatting to be done on the       */
/*  remaining arguments. The string is composed of literals and       */
/*  format specifiers. There should be one format specifier for       */
/*  each value to be formatted.                                       */
/*  Literals are considered to be anything that isn't a format        */
/*  specifier. Format specifiers are coded as follows:                */
/*                                                                    */
/*    %[-][w][.d]z                                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*  where                                                             */
/*    "%" indicates the start of a format specifier. To use a %       */
/*        in a literal, specify two concecutive %s (%%, no argument   */
/*        value will be consumed).                                    */
/*    "-" is optional, and indicates that the argument value is to be */
/*        left justified in its field. If it isn't present, the value */
/*        will be right justified.                                    */
/*    "w" is optional, and it specifies the width of the field in     */
/*        characters. If it isn't specified, then as many characters  */
/*        as necessary will be used. For decimal numbers, this will   */
/*        depend on the current value of the numeric digits setting.  */
/*        The value will be truncated or padded with blanks as        */
/*        necessary to fit the width specified. Numbers to the right  */
/*        of the decimal point are padded with "0"s, and will be      */
/*        rounded if truncation is necessary. If a numeric value      */
/*        is -1 < valuen < +1, it will be padded with leading "0"s.   */
/*   ".d" is optional, and it specifies the maximum string width, or  */
/*        the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.     */
/*    "z" is a single character that indicates the type of conversion */
/*        to be performed on the corresponding argument value. It may */
/*        be one of the following:                                    */
/*          "d", formats a signed decimal integer                     */
/*          "f", formats a signed decimal real number                 */
/*          "s", formats a character string                           */
/*          "x", formats an unsigned hexadecimal number               */
/*                                                                    */
/*        Examples:                                                   */
/*          say sprintf("Number = %d", 25)                            */
/*            -> "Number = 25"                                        */
/*          say sprintf("Number = %5d", 25)                           */
/*            -> "Number =    25"                                     */
/*          say sprintf("String = %s", "March")                       */
/*            -> "String = March"                                     */
/*          say sprintf("String = %5.3s", "March")                    */
/*            -> "String =   Mar"                                     */
/*          say sprintf("Num = %8.2f", -123.456)                      */
/*            ->  "Num =  -123.46"                                    */
/*          say sprintf("Num = '%-4x'  String = '%-10s'", ,           */
/*                255, ,                                              */
/*                "AbCde")                                            */
/*            -> "Num = 'FF  '  String = 'AbCde     '"                */
/*          say sprintf("%5.1f%%", .1757 * 100)                       */
/*            -> " 17.6%"                                             */
/*          say sprintf("Num = %7.3f", 0.25)                          */
/*            -> "Num = 000.250"                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Written: 27Nov95                                                   */
/* Language:REXX                                                      */
/* Author:  Bernie Schneider                                          */
/* Notes:                                                             */
/* Revised:                                                           */
/*                                                                    */
sprintf: procedure
  argno = 1                     /* Initialize argument counter        */
  string = ""
  start = 1                     /* Initialize pointer                 */
  len = length(arg(1))

  do until(p >= len)
    s = ""
    argno = argno + 1
    p = pos("%", arg(1), start)
    if p = 0 then
      p = len + 1
    if substr(arg(1), p, 1) == "%" then
      s = "%"
    string = string || substr(arg(1), start, p - start)
    start = p + 1
    p = verify(arg(1), "%cdfsx", "M", start)
    if p = 0 then
    spec = substr(arg(1), start, p - start + 1)
    start = p + 1
    r = right(spec, 1)
    spec = delstr(spec, length(spec), 1)
    if left(spec,1) == "-" then
    do                          /* Get any additional specs           */
      left = 1
      spec = substr(spec, 2)
      left = 0
      spec = substr(spec, 1)
    if spec \== "" then                 /* Get width and precision    */
      parse var spec width "." prec
      width = 0
      prec = 0
    if \datatype(width, "W") then
      width = 0
    if \datatype(prec, "W") then
      prec = 0
    pad = " "


      when r == "s" then
        if width = 0 then
          width = length(arg(argno))
        if prec \= 0 then
          s = left(arg(argno), prec)     /* Truncate or pad           */
          s = arg(argno)

      when r == "d" then
        if width = 0 then
          width = length(arg(argno))
        s = format(arg(argno), length(arg(argno)), 0)

      when r == "f" then
        if arg(argno) > -1 & arg(argno) < 1 then
          pad = "0"
        parse value arg(argno) with int "." frac
        if width = 0 & prec = 0 then
          d = 1
          if arg(argno) < 0 then d = 2
          width = digits() + d
          prec = digits() - (length(int)) + d - 1
        if width = 0 then
          width = len - prec
        s = format(arg(argno), width, prec)

      when r == "x" then
        if width = 0 then
          width = length(arg(argno))
        s = d2x(arg(argno))
        if prec \= 0 then
          s = left(s, prec)     /* Truncate or pad                    */

      when r == "%" then
        argno = argno - 1


    end /* select */

    if r \== "%" then
      if left then
        s = left(strip(s), width, pad)      /* Justify                */
        s = right(strip(s), width, pad)
    string = string || s
  end /* do until(p >= len) */
return string

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