On Intel processors words and doublewords are saved in the so-called INTEL
format (LSB - last signifcant byte first). To use them, you must convert
them into the MSB format (MSB - most significant byte first).
Before using the following routine, you must convert the value into a hex
string (see Get the display resolution
for an example).
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* function: Convert an WORD or DWORD from LSB format to MSB format */ /* and vice versa */ /* */ /* call: LSB2MSB inputHexString */ /* */ /* where: inputHexstring - input value as hexstring */ /* (e.g. "3412", "78563412") */ /* */ /* output: value in MSB format as hexstring */ /* (e.g. "1234", "12345678") */ /* */ LSB2MSB: PROCEDURE HexZiffer = arg(1) /* v3.00 */ Len = Length(HexZiffer) /* v3.00 */ If (Len // 2) then /* v3.00 */ HexZiffer = Right(HexZiffer, Len + 1, '0') /* v3.00 */ RETURN strip( translate( "12345678",, /* v3.00 */ HexZiffer, "78563412" ) ) /* v3.00 */