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Note from the author from the PL/1 version
Julian (sense 1) date routines, handling Julian (sense 2) and Gregorian calendars. Algorithm is valid from 4713 B.C. to 19,999 A.D. This version is known to be free of errors.
Based on Pascal code copyright 1985 by Michael A. Covington, published in P.C. Tech Journal, December 1985, based on formulae appearing in Astronomical Formulae for Calculators by Jean Meeus. Reconversion to normal Julian epoch, integer arithmetic, 4000-year correction, and translation to PL/I by John W. Kennedy
Historical exceptions _not_ allowed for in this module:
Until Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar in 45 B.C., calendars
were irregular.
This module assumes the Julian calendar back to 4713 B.C.
The Julian calendar was altered in 8 B.C. From 45 B.C. to 8 B.C., the months
were Jan=31, Feb=29(30), Mar=31, Apr=30, May=31, Jun=30, Jul=31, Aug=30,
Sep=31, Oct=30, Nov=31, Dec=30
This module assumes the month lengths as we know them. Leap years from 45
B.C. to 8 A.D. were miscalculated: (45, 42, 39, 36, 33, 30, 27, 24, 21,
18, 15, 12, 9, then none at all until 8 A.D.) This module assumes leap years
every four years, as they were meant to have been. January 1 was not always
the first day of the year. The United Kingdom, in particular, started the
year on March 25 until 1752. (However, the year ended on December 31, leaving
the days between in limbo.) This module assumes January 1 is the first day
of the year. Leap-year day was originally done by having February 24 (25
from 45 to 8 B.C.) twice. This module assumes Leap-year day is February
The "Transition" argument is the first Julian date to be considered as belonging
to the Gregorian calendar. Usual values are:
2299161 = October 5/15, 1582, as in Rome, or 2361222 = September 3/14,
1752, as in the United Kingdom and the American colonies
/* sample routines to convert dates */ call Charout , "Enter a date in the format " curDMYDate = lineIn() curJulianDate = DMYToJulian( curDMYDate ) say "DMYToJulian(" || curDMYDate || ") is " || curJulianDate say "JulianToDMY(" || curJulianDate || ") is " || , JulianToDMY( curJulianDate ) exit 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* function: Convert a date from Julian to DMY */ /* */ /* call: JulianToDMY julianDate {trans} */ /* */ /* where: julianDate - the date in julian format */ /* trans - see note above */ /* */ /* returns: the date in the format */ /* */ /* */ JulianToDMY: PROCEDURE Arg J Trans if Trans = "" then Trans = 2299161 if J < Trans then A = J Else do AA = J - 1721120 AC = Trunc(AA / 1460969) AB = 31 * AC AA = AA - AC * 1460969 AC = Trunc(AA / 146097) AB = AB + 3 * AC AA = AA - AC * 146097 if AA = 146096 then AB = AB + 3 Else AB = AB + Trunc(AA / 36524) A = J + (AB - 2) end B = A + 1524 C = Trunc((20 * B - 2442) / 7305) D = Trunc(1461 * C / 4) EE = B - D E = Trunc(10000 * EE / 306001) YMDD = EE - Trunc(306001 * E / 10000) if E >= 14 then YMDM = E - 13 else YMDM = E - 1 if YMDM > 2 then Y = C - 4716 else Y = C - 4715 if Y < 1 then YMDY = Y - 1 else YMDY = Y RETURN YMDD || '.' || YMDM || '.' || YMDY /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* function: Convert a date from DMY to Julian */ /* */ /* call: DMYToJulian dmyDate {trans} */ /* trans - see note above */ /* */ /* where: dmyDate - the date in the format */ /* */ /* returns: the date in Julian format */ /* */ /* */ DMYToJulian: PROCEDURE parse arg dmyDate trans parse var dmyDate YMDD "." YMDM "." YMDY if Trans = "" then Trans = 2299161 AY = YMDY if YMDY < 0 then Y = YMDY + 4717 else Y = YMDY + 4716 if YMDM < 3 then do M = YMDM + 12 Y = Y - 1 AY = AY - 1 end else M = YMDM D = Trunc((1461 * Y) / 4) + Trunc((153 * (M + 1)) / 5) + YMDD - 1524 G = D + 2 - Trunc(AY / 100) + Trunc(AY / 400) - Trunc(AY / 4000) if G >= Trans then thisRC = G else thisRC = D RETURN thisRC