List all WPS known object IDs

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File OS2.INI
Application PM_Workplace:Location
Keys {known object ids}
Value ?
Description This application contains the object IDs
of all known objects
Created ?
Deleted ?

You can use this application to get a list of all known object IDs (see also GETOBJ and List all objects):

/* Sample code to display all object ids known to the WPS.            */
/* Captured from a message in a public CompuServe Forum               */
/*                                                                    */

                    /* load the necessary REXXUTIL function           */
  call rxFuncAdd "SysIni", "REXXUTIL", "SysIni"

                    /* get the list of the known object IDs           */
  call SysIni "USER", "PM_Workplace:Location", "All:", "ids."

                    /* and print them to the screen                   */
  say ids.0 || " known object IDs found."
  j = 1
  do i = 1 to ids.0
    j = j + 1
    say ids.i
    if j = 23 then
      say "Press RETURN to continue"
      parse pull
      j = 1
    end /* if j = 23 then */
  end /* do i = 1 to ids.0 */

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