/* example program to generate a SYS0008 error */ /* This program generates a SYS0008 error after about 90 rounds if */ /* the file TATA.TXT does not exist */ /* see also the Workaround */ "C:" "CD \" "MD C:\TOTO" "MD C:\TOTO\TOTO" "MD C:\TOTO\TOTO\TOTO" "CD C:\TOTO\TOTO\TOTO" CHEMIN = "TATA\TATA\TATA.TXT" do i = 1 to 100 /* this DIR command causes the SYS0008 error */ /* after about 40 to 80 rounds */ "DIR "CHEMIN if RC = 0 then say "OK" else say i end /* do i = 1 to 100 */ exit