The handling of the halt signal seems to be buggy in Object-Oriented
REXX; for example the signal handling does not work in the following
REXX program.
[Tested with OBJREXX 6.00 12 Jul 1996]
[Fixed in OBJREXX 6.00 26 Feb 1997 and newer versions (included in WARP
4 Fixpack #6)]
/* */ /* example for a bug in the signal handling in Object REXX */ /* */ /* Source: Found in a message in a public news group */ /* */ /* Hint: To get around the bug shown in this example, you can use the */ /* function LineOut() instead of the SAY statement. */ /* */ call on halt do forever say "Testing (press CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK) ..." end; exit Halt: say "Abort the program? " userInput = translate( lineIn() ) if userInput = "Y" then exit return