token: Operating system
This can
be OS/2, TSO, CMS or any other operating system with
a REXX interpreter. (see Writing
OS independent programs for an example for using this value)
token: call type
This is COMMAND if
the REXX program was called from the command line, or SUBROUTINE if
the REXX program was called from another REXX program. (see Parameter
for a REXX program for an example for using this value)
token: fully qualified name of the source file
for OS/2 REXX: If this token only contains the name of the REXX program
without the path, the REXX program is in the macro space.
Example REXX program:
/* sample for using PARSE SOURCE */
parse source operatingSystem commandType sourceFileName
say "The Operating system is <" || operatingSystem || ">."
say "The call type is <" || commandType || ">."
say "The name of the source file is <" || sourceFileName || ">."
(see also Get the invocation
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