Writing general routines for compound variables

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To write general routines working on compound variables you may use the techniques shown in the two examples below.

In the first example we use two nested routines to implement a save routine with a local variable scope for processing the data. The only global variable that the routines knows is the stem that it should process

In the second example we use a global variable with the name of the stem variable.

Note that Object-Oriented REXX allows stem variables as parameters and also as return values. Therefore you don't need these techniques in programs running in Object-Oriented REXX (see also the part about the local and global environment in the section New features in Object REXX that are useful in Classic REXX programs also).

(see also Read a textfile using CharIn() for another example).

/* sample for a general routine to work on compound variables         */

                    /* create some global variables                   */
  myStem.0 = 4
  myStem.1 = 'MyElement1'
  myStem.2 = 'MyElement2'
  myStem.3 = 'MyElement3'
  myStem.4 = 'MyElement4'

  yourStem.0 = 3
  yourStem.1 = 'YourElement1'
  yourStem.2 = 'YourElement2'
  yourStem.3 = 'YourElement3'

  i = 5
  j = 7

                    /* display the values of i and j before           */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'I is ' || i || ', J is ' || J || '.'

                    /* display the values of the stems before         */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'The stem MyStem. contains ' || MyStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  mystem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' myStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */

  say 'The stem YourStem. contains ' || YourStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  YourStem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' YourStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */


  say 'Now calling ShowMyArray for myStem. and YourStem. ...'

                    /* now call the routine to show the stem          */
  call ShowMyArray 'myStem.'
  call ShowMyArray 'YourStem.'

  say 'Results:'

                    /* display the values of i and j after            */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'I is ' || i || ', J is ' || J || '.'

                    /* display the values of the stems after          */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'The stem MyStem. contains ' || MyStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  mystem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' myStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */

  say 'The stem YourStem. contains ' || YourStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  YourStem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' YourStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */


/* This is the procedure called by the main program                   */
/* Note: Do _NOT_ use PROCEDURE for this routine!!!                   */

                                                             /* v2.60 */
  I!.__stemName = arg(1)

                    /* now call the internal routine with the local   */
                    /* variable scope                                 */
  call  I!.__ShowMyArray I!.__stemName

/* This is the procedure with only knows the global                   */
/* variable which name is saved in the variable I!.__stemName.        */

I!.__ShowMyArray: PROCEDURE expose (I!.__stemName)
  parse arg theStem

                    /* theStem contains the name of the stem to       */
                    /* process                                        */
                    /* Note that you've to use the value function to  */
                    /* access the variable                            */

                    /* j and i are local variables!                   */
  j = value( theStem || '0' )

  say 'The stem "' || theStem || '" contains ' || j || ' elements:'

  do i = 1 to j
    say ' Element ' || i || ' is: "' || value( theStem || i ) || '"'
  end /* do i = 1 to j */

                    /* add some elements to the stem                  */
  say 'Now adding 4 further elements to the stem ...'
  do i = j+1 to j+4
    call value theStem ||  i , 'New Element No ' || i-j
  end /* do i = j+1 to j+4 */

                    /* correct the counter                            */
  call value theStem || '0', i-1


/* another sample for a general routine to work on compound variables */

                    /* create some global variables                   */
  myStem.0 = 4
  myStem.1 = 'MyElement1'
  myStem.2 = 'MyElement2'
  myStem.3 = 'MyElement3'
  myStem.4 = 'MyElement4'

  yourStem.0 = 3
  yourStem.1 = 'YourElement1'
  yourStem.2 = 'YourElement2'
  yourStem.3 = 'YourElement3'

  i = 5
  j = 7
                    /* display the values of i and j before           */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'I is ' || i || ', J is ' || J || '.'

                    /* display the values of the stems before         */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'The stem MyStem. contains ' || MyStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  mystem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' myStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */

  say 'The stem YourStem. contains ' || YourStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  YourStem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' YourStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */


  say 'Now calling ShowMyArray for myStem. and YourStem. ...'

                    /* now call the routine to show the stem          */

                    /* 'stemName' contains the name of the stem to    */
                    /* process                                        */
  stemName = 'myStem.'
  call ShowMyArray

                    /* 'stemName' contains the name of the stem to    */
                    /* process                                        */
  stemname = 'YourStem.'
  call ShowMyArray

  say 'Results:'

                    /* display the values of i and j after            */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'I is ' || i || ', J is ' || J || '.'

                    /* display the values of the stems after          */
                    /* calling the routine                            */
  say 'The stem MyStem. contains ' || MyStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  mystem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' myStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */

  say 'The stem YourStem. contains ' || YourStem.0 || ' elements:'
  do i = 1 to  YourStem.0
    say ' Element No ' || i || ' is ' YourStem.i
  end /* do i = 1 to  mystem.0 */


ShowMyArray: PROCEDURE expose (stemName)

                    /* stemName contains the name of the stem to      */
                    /* process                                        */
                    /* Note that you've to use the value function to  */
                    /* access the variable                            */

                    /* j and i are local variables!                   */
  j = value( StemName || '0' )

  say 'The stem "' || StemName || '" contains ' || j || ' elements:'

  do i = 1 to j
    say ' Element ' || i || ' is: "' || value( StemName || i ) || '"'
  end /* do i = 1 to j */

                    /* add some elements to the stem                  */
  say 'Now adding 4 further elements to the stem ...'
  do i = j+1 to j+4
    call value StemName ||  i , 'New Element No ' || i-j
  end /* do i = j+1 to j+4 */

                    /* correct the counter                            */
  call value StemName || '0', i-1

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[Next: Sample for using compound variables]