Special environment variables for REXX programs
The following environment variables have a special meaning for REXX programs:
If the environment variable RXTRACE
is set to ON before executing a REXX program, the REXX
program is executed in single-step mode. This is equivalent to including
the REXX TRACE command with the parameter ?R. Any other value
for the variable is ignored by the REXX interpreter.
Note: The REXX Report 1994
contains a detailed description about the debug facilities of REXX.
Hint: To prevent the execution of a REXX program in single-step
mode, even if the environment variable RXTRACE is set to ON, use
the statement:
dummy = trace( 'OFF' )
as the first statement of your program. This is very useful to prevent
tracing programs like PMREXX for a REXX program "compiled" with programs
like REXXCC.
see also Catching debug output)
This environment
variable contains the name of the queue that the program RXQUEUE.EXE
should use if the queue name is NOT specified when RXQUEUE is launched.
The default queue used by RXQUEUE is the default REXX queue SESSION.
(see also The RXQUEUE filter)
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