file system-specific function code. For remote FSDs, there are two kinds
of possible FsCtl calls: FsCtl calls that are handled locally, and FsCtl
calls that are exported across the network. If bit 0x4000 is set in the
function code, then this indicates to the remote FSD that the function should
be exported. The range of function codes are split up as follows: Function
codes between 0x0000 and 0x7FFF are reserved for use by OS/2. Function codes
between 0x8000 and 0xBFFF are FSD defined FsCtl functions handled by the
local FSD. Function codes between 0xC000 and 0xFFFF are FSD defined FsCtl
functions exported to the server.
FunctionCode = 1: returns FSD error code information. Error code is passed
to the FSD in the first word of ParmList. On return, the first word of the
Data area contains the length of the following ASCIIZ string. The ASCIIZ
string begins at the second word and is an explanation of the error code.