This call locates the next set of directory entries that match the name specified in the previous DosFindFirst, DosFindFirst2, or DosFindNext call.
DirHandle (HDIR) - input
It is possible, if the EA information for a file is 64K, that the system can never be able to return the full EA information for a file.
For the continuation of an FileInfoLevel 3 search, this buffer should contain input in the same format as a DosFindFirst2 FileInfoLevel 3 search.
filedate (FDATE)
The file name in FileName can contain global file name characters. If no more matching files are found, an error code is returned.
If an ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW error is returned, further calls to DosFindNext will start the search from the same entry.
If an ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT error is returned, then the buffer was too small to hold the EAs for the first matching entry being returned. A subsequent call to DosFindNext will get the next matching entry. This enables the search to continue if the EAs being returned are too big to fit in the buffer. You may use DosQPathInfo to retrieve the EAs for the matching entry by using the EA arguments that were used for the DosFindFirst2 call and the name that was returned by DosFindFirst2.
In the case of ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT, only information for the first matching entry is returned. This entry is the one whose EAs did not fit in the buffer. The information returned is in the format of that returned for InfoLevel 2. No further entries are returned in the buffer even if they could fit in the remaining space.
Family API Considerations
Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in OS/2 mode. Therefore, the following restriction applies to DosFindNext when coding for the DOS mode: