This call allows an OS/2 process to receive hard error notification without generating a hard error signal.
Flags (USHORT) - input
1 = Disable exception popups.
1 = Enable hard error popups.
DosError allows an OS/2 process to disable user notification if a program (or untrapped numeric processor) exception occurs. If end user notification is disabled, and if one of these exceptions occurs, the process is terminated.
Hard errors generated under a process that has issued a DosError call are failed, and the appropriate error code is returned. The default situation is both hard error pop-ups and exception pop-ups are enabled, if DosError is not issued.
Family API Considerations
Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in the OS/2 mode. Therefore, the following restriction applies to DosError when coding for the DOS mode:
For Flag, a value of 0000 causes all subsequent INT 24s to be failed until a subsequent call with a value of 1 is issued.
Note: Since INT 24 is not issued in DOS mode, this call has no effect when running in DOS mode.